Banana Fritters

Banana Fritters are a favorite, especially in tropical or hot countries whose climates are ideal for bananas. Variations of this popular recipe are found in Malaysia, Brazil, Jamaica and Africa. Like a lot of desserts, this goes well with ice-cream!

2 oz flour
¼ tsp salt
1 egg
¼ pt milk
¼ tsp baking powder
2 large bananas, barely ripe
Lime or lemon juice
Vegetable oil for deep frying
Sugar for tossing

Sieve the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Make a well in the center, break the egg and add it to the flour. Add a small quantity of milk and stir. Continue adding the milk gradually, stirring all the while, until the batter is a smooth consistency. Beat for about 5 minutes, cover and set aside.

Peel and slice the bananas diagonally into ¼ inch pieces. Coat thoroughly with batter. Heat the oil and fry the coated banana pieces until golden brown. Drain and sprinkle with lemon juice. Toss in sugar and serve hot.

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